Pontiac Repair: struts/coil springs, shock absorber, spring compressor
QuestionI am going to replace the strut, shock absorber, coil springs. Both front sets. I know you normally have to compress the coil spring, but if taking the whole old out without taking any of that apart. Do I still need to compress it, or will the strut keep the spring compress and not shoot off. The strut is bad, but the coil spring is fine. Also if you could give me a bit of information on what else I need to remove from the the tire area other then the brakes.
Answerneed more vehicle info to give you a complete idea of what to remove, but first and foremost you will need a spring compressor, if you release the upper strut nut, you will be eating that spring as it will shot off. As for removing it from the car, there will be two large nuts at the steering knuckly that have to be removed, then hammer out the bolts, do not crush the threads as you will need to reuse them. Then on top under the hood there will be 3 nuts or 3 bolts depending on your vehicle, after that the strut and spring will fall out of the car. Again you will need a spring compressor