Pontiac Repair: Starting Problems, pontiac grand prix, wd 40
QuestionI own a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix Turbo 3.4 ltr I think. I was driving one day and stopped at a friends house shut the car off and when I came back out the key would not start the car. Well it would not engage the ignition lock so I couldn't try to start it. I need some kind of help to rig the car to start with a screw driving or hot wire it or something to get it from my friends house to the garage or just back home. I tried cleaning the key, spraying the key with Wd-40 and with no luck. Any help would be appreciated, thanks Rob
AnswerHi Rob:
do you have an extra key to try? I assume it will not turn in the ignition? or the engine just will not crank? It makes a difference as to what the issue here is. You were not al that clear as to the exact issue here. If the key does turn but the engine will not crank is the security lamp on and flashing?