Pontiac Repair: bonniville a/c, pontiac bonniville, test light
QuestionI have a 98 pontiac bonniville with the 3.8 liter series II V6. I'm havin a problem with the blower only blowing when it wants to. I have checked all fuses and they all are ok.
AnswerHi David:
does this car have automatic a/c"digital" controls or manual a/c with dials? Chnaces are it's either a bad connection at the blower motor or a bad blower motor. When it quits working wiggle the wire harness on the motor and see if the motor starts to run or tap on the back of the motor with the handle from a screwdriver and see if it starts to run. If not then you have to check for power and ground at the motor with a test light and see what your missing at the motor power or ground.
Good luck :)