Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Sunfire will not start, 2002 pontiac sunfire, pontiac sunfire

I have a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire and it will not start up. Someone told me it might be the fuel filter because the gas wasn't getting through properly, I had that changed and it still won't start. Some one said it might have to do with the coil? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Lisa:

well in order for an engine to run it needs 3 things spark,fuel and compression. It needs over 40 PSI of fuel pressure which has to be checked with a pressure gauge. It needs spark on all 4 cylinders which can be checked with a spark checker. and the engine needs good compression on all for cylinders wich is checked with a compression tester. Let me ask you this when it will not start does it have a security lamp comming on the dash and is it flshing? If so the issue is withe the factory security system and it is not allowing the enine to start. If so you may have an issue with a bad sensor in the ingnition lock housing and that is wht this car wil not start and run.