Pontiac Repair: car wont start, pontiac sunfire, 2000 pontiac sunfire
QuestionQUESTION: Have a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire (4 cyl). Sometimes I can turn the key & nothing happens, have to unhook battery & wait a few min before it will start. This happens sometimes after I have driven to the store & car has been setting for a few minutes. Does not happen all the time.
Define nothing happens? The car will not crank? Cranks but will not start, Do you hear any clicking from the starter motor but it will not crank? Does the car have a security lamp that starts flashing on the instermnet panel when it will not start or do anything? It depends on what's happening here as to what the possable issue here is.
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QUESTION: does not crank, make any noise, clicking, or any other. Have not paid attention to lights on panel but it is like a security thing. After unhooking battery & waiting a few min, then car will start fine.
AnswerNext time it happens pay attention to the dash light ans see if the security lampo is flashing. unhooking the battery shouldn't make any difference in why ti will not crank other then the fact that they could be some kind of a security system issue. This doesn't have a aftermarket remote starter or alram on it does it?