Pontiac Repair: 2001 pontiac montana ac blower motor, pontiac montana, fuse box
I have a 2001 Pontiac Montana. The blower motor works on
1-2-3 and 4 but will not work on 5 which is high.I have
checked all fuses and the high blower relay in the fuse box.
Would the blower resistor cause this? Or is there something
else I need to check? Thanks in advance Richard
AnswerHi Richard:
More times then not the resitior is the issue. The relay for high is part of the resistor. if you have a test light make sure you have a power input to the restor on each of the 5 speeds the control head has the wires are tan lt. blue etc. each position on the control head a different wire to the resisitor should have battery voltage on it. If so the resitior is bad. Amke sure you get a original equipment part for this. the part is redesigned and looks different then the one you will atke out.. If you do not have power at the restor on each speed then In rare case I have seen the control head go bad or the connector at the control head melt. Good luck :)