Pontiac Repair: 1990 Pontiac sunbird 2.0l with a 5 speed manual transmission, pontiac sunbird, 1990 pontiac sunbird
Questionwhat can cause my car to loose power in 3rd 4th &5th gear but be ok in 1st and 2nd gear.i recently replaced the timing belt and the mrks are lined up on the timing like it should be.
AnswerHi Jonathan:
Well let me ask you this did this happen right after the belt was changed you noticed it, Or did it just crop up out of the blue? It makes a difference as to what way to look at this.. You could have an issue with fuel pressure or volume. A plugged fuel filter or a pump that's going bad.. Does it feel like it's misfiring or just lack power? If it feels like a misfire I'm look at the plug wires and cap and rotor.. These are just a few ideas to get you started.
Good luck :)