Pontiac Repair: HVAC, pontiac grand prix, vent system
Question1999 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3.1 engine. I get cold air blowing from the passenger vents while hot air is blowing from the driver side vents. I am assuming there is a door in the vent system that is not opening or closing but I do not know where to look. Where can I get a picture to see what I am looking for? I am mechanical but not an auto mechanic. HELP!!!
AnswerHey Jim:
This is not a GT model is it with auto air? or Dula cliamte control?
If it's just a basic SE with manual dial HVAC and only one TEMP knob then the issue is not inside the HVAC box. My guess would be the A?C system is low on a charge. And if you live in the rust belt like I do more then lialley the condenser is leaking on the drivers side lower corner. IF this had auto dula climate control I would say it has a bad temp door actautor for the drivers side But I'm thinking this is just a basic model and My first though is what is wrong with it.
Good luck :)