Pontiac Repair: surging, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

Why is my 1994grand am pontiac. se.3.1v-6  surging under
norm. oper. temp only when braking. is fine when cold but
under norm. driving cond. idle becomes eratic and tries to
stall and sometimes does under braking cond. i"ve tried
everything people tell me its vaccum some say mass air flow
sensor but i have had all checked, the dealership tells me
that they cannot diag because engine light is not on please
help me.I love this car and want to keep it What should i
do?         thanks very much Scott Duke York Pa.

Hi Scott:

well well there are a few things to look for. #1 is a vacuum leak that is the most likley cause. youse some carb cleaner and spray around any vacuum hose area or around the fule injectors where the go into the intake manifold. If the isle starts to pick up or the engine runs erratic whe n you spray it you found a leak. #2 an aftermarket PCV valve. #3 a dirty throttle body/plate or a dirty Idle control motor. those are the most likley causes. Good luck :)