Pontiac Repair: 96 Grand Prix 3.1 Help, coolant system, radiator cap
QuestionHow do I bleed air out of the coolant system properly, fluid does not flow out of two air vents (1 on top of the thermostat housing) (2 On little tower by water pump) when opened as chilton says it should. Low coolant light on I just replaced it. It went off at first. I also replaced the Temp Sending unit. Question 2 Why would after charging my AC unit it blows 40 degree air as long as I don't turn the blower motor past the speed 2 of 4.
AnswerHi Allen:
try this with the negine stone cold take the radiator cap off and open the bleeder at the water pump pipe. fill the rdaitor untill the coolant comes out of the bleeder. close it start the car and let it run for a few minutes keep an eye on the temp gauge and keep the radiator topped off. It will suge up and down a bit untill the thermostat opens. once it looks like it's in the normal temp range just crack the bleeder open untill the air is purged out. That should do it for you. As for the A/C sounds to me like you have an improper charge amount of 134A in the system. It's an exact science at to the right amount to put into the system if it's over or under charged it will not blow cold. My guess is it's under charged.. And the more (faster) heat load you put on the evaporator in the heater case the it can exchange the heat enough due to the incorrect charge.. it could be other things as well but that is the most likley cause. Good Luck :)