Pontiac Repair: emergencey brake cable, 2002 pontiac sunfire, pontiac sunfire
Questionhow do you replace a e brake cable on a 2002 pontiac sunfire?
AnswerHi Paula:
which cable(S) the reares or the one inised the car? My guess is one of the rear cables??? If so the rear brakes have to be removed and the cable has to be taken off the parking brake lever that attaches to the rear brake shoes. There is a special tool that needs to be used to remove the springs in the rear brakes. Onse the cable is removed from the lever the cable has to be released from the brake backing plate. there are 3 or 4 tabs that have to be pressed to be able to pull the cable out of the plate. Then the cable can be take out of the link that holds the cables together above the rear axle.. This is a involved repair. Good luck :)