Pontiac Repair: over heated engine, gasket repair, head gasket

I have a 94 grand am with a quad four engine. The car engine keeps running hot. I changed the thermostat and the coolant continues to bubble over and run out. I was told by one mechanic that it was my water pump not circulating and then another mechanic said I may have blown a head gasket. What is the more logical answer to my problem and how can I solve it.

Hi haxine:

well both suggestions can be right. This engine is hard to bleed air out of the cooling system so it could also be that. The water pump is a less likely then a headgasket. Especilly if you keep driving it and over heating it it will do damage to the engine for sure. The head gasket is a costly repair on this car. A water pump is pretty pricey as well and they have a tendency to leak on these cars more so then cause an overheat. it may have been the root cause of all your ptoblems that the system may hve been low on coolant and caused the first overheat and from then on it may have damaged the head gasket. Without seeing it it's hard to say for sure what the issue is but bottom line if you want to keep the car and it has low miles and it has been a "good" car get them both fixed at the same time. The water pump repair should be cheaper that the cylinder head is off for the gasket repair. Good luck :)