Pontiac Repair: electrical problem on 95 grand am, leak acid, water leaks
Questionthe dash warning lights will flash on and off for no reason. The emergency brake light will work sometimes. The tach and speedometer won't work either. The a/c cruise control, wipers work fine. I've checked the fuses in the engine compartment and on the drivers side dash. All check good.
Answerhi Mike:
well you may have numerous issues here of just one common problem that is the root of all that ails this car. The multtifunction chime module on this car may be full of water. when these cars get old they develope water leaks inot the passenger compartment and the chime module get water in it and it will do all kinds of wierd things. The chime is under the dash on the right side of the steering column. It's either purple,green,black or tan in color. It depends on how the car was equipped and the year of the car unplug it and take a look and see if it has signs of water into it If so you found the issue. If not thenI would start looking at all the ground connections on this car at the battery, battery tran and under the battery tray they have a tendency to corrode or rot out especially if the battery is or did leak acid out. Also take a look at the grounds on the engine to transmission mounting bolts. give the wires a tug if they break off you found the issue. Good luck :)