QuestionI have a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix and I love my car but
recently I have had numerous problems with it regarding my
car stalling. I have taken it to 3 shops including a dealer
and no one has found the problem. At first my car seemed to
be running rough, shaking a little and occasional it would
shut off for no reason. A friend of mine seemed to think it
may be due to the plugs and wires at first. I replaced them
for the 1st time on the car since I bought it and it has
50,000 miles on it so it sounded like a good idea. We ran
it after and it stalled again! I have no engine lights on
it from the computer. I took it to a shop and they looked
over the car and could not find any problems. They seemed
to think it had something to due with the security system
and advised I take it to a dealer. I had it in the dealer
next for a week and a half and they could not find any
problems. None of the shops were able to recreate it enough
to find the problem, but it did continue to happen. After
having it in the dealer for a week and a half I decided to
take it away from the shop because they gave me no
information except they wanted to try and replace the mass
air flow sensor but they were not sure! I took it to
another shop because they seemed to think it was a fuel
pump resister on it. This 3rd shop looked at it for 2 weeks
and determine that there was no fuel pump resister on this
car and could not find the issue but they thought it may be
a crank sensor. They replaced the crank sensor and told me
to drive it for a week and if it worked then great, I would
pay for it. I drove it for 2 days and it worked great and
then when i was driving home it stalled again! All
electronics run fine but the engine shut off. Took me 2
times and it started right back up. I am running out of
ideas and not sure where to take it or what to look for.
Any ideas would be great! Any additional information I can
provide.....please help!!!!
AnswerHi Jason as I was reading your detailed question My first tjhough was Crank sensor but when I got to the end I see you had that replaced... the past few times it has died was it just like someone turned the key off or did it spit sputter and shug before it died? Did it die on a decel stop or at a steady speed? If it did it on a decel after driving at a steady sped and you let off the gas and it died I would suspect possably a fule pressure regulator is leaking gas into the vacuum line and on the decell the engine vacuum spikes up and the engine sucks in the raw gas and it is too rich and dies.. I take it this is a NON supercharged engine thus no resisiter for the fuel pump.. Another odd issue these negines has was if the spark plug wires were routed too close to the transmission speed sensor on the front of the engei nby the fire wall the plug wires would spike the speed sensor and make the engine stall.. make sure they are routed wayd from that transmission harness. You can try this laos with the engine runnimng wiggle the connctor on the mass air flow sensor and see if the car dies if so the sensor is bad... Last ditch effort is to got back to the dealer and ask them to hook up the data recorder and you can take a "snap shot" of the engein control system when it dies to see what happens.. Of course your going to have to pay for that diagnosis. Good luck :)