Pontiac Repair: 97 grand am gt, blown fuses, gt 3
Questioni have a 97 grand am gt 3.1 car will not come out of park can here clicking in column when you you press button on gear shift have had problems with theft system
AnswerHi Jody:
well you have some sort of an issue her with the bTSI system. which is brak transmission interlock system. Ther are a few parts to the system. The shifter it's self, The brake pedal switch and a cable/solenoid assembly. The clicking you hear in the column is another safety feature in the car it's the solenoid to remove the key when it's in park only. Usually the issue is with the shifter assembly on these cars or a broken wire at the shifter it's self. There is a solenoid in the shifter that will not allow the shifter to be moved untill you stepm on the brake pedal.. That usually goes bad or is helped along going bad by spilling stuff into the center console like Soda or coffee. The only other thing to check is to make sure the car has no blown fuses. If you have a fuse that blew the system will not work either. Good luck :0