Pontiac Repair: 2000 Pontiac Grand AM GT V6 Sedan, windows radio, purple wire

When I attempt to start my car it acts like as though the battery is dead, however, all lights, windows, radio, etc. work. The car will not crank at all. I had the alternator checked, the battery checked, and the starter checked and all were good. I thought it could possibly be the Securty system (passlock) but my Security light does not remain on unless I turn it all the way off and attempt to start again. I have tried to reset the system by leaving it in the ON position after ten minutes then turn off and try to start but nothing. Please help, I do not want to have to spend alot of money to get his fixed.

Hey Roland:

well it could be a security system issue but the security lamp should flash if there is a fault in the system. It should start and then stall if it's an issue with the security system. If the car just will not crank over you may have an issue withe the starter it's self of the ignition switch. have someone crank the car over for you while you check for battery voltage on the purple wire at the starter motor if you have battery voltage there the problem is with the starter it's self if not you have to trace the loss of power back into the car to see where your are looking the "crank" voltage.