Pontiac Repair: 1994 Pontiac Grand Am SE, pontiac grand am, drive my car
QuestionHello. I have a 94 Pontiac Grand Am SE 2.3L Quad OHC. My question is where is the torque clutch converter solenoid located and is it real expensive to replace? and is there a temporary fix or do I just have to replace it? Every now and then, esp if I go over 50mph for a long drive, my car will stall out when I hit the brakes. I've been looking around online and as far as I can tell this is the problem. I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks!
Answerhi Cristal:
Yes that more than likely is the issue here that is if this is a 3 speed transmission. If it's a 4 speed you have something else going on. it's inside the transmission. The part is pretty cheap but the labor is not. I'd say maybe a 5-600 dollar repair? There is no real way to fix it short of replacing the solenoid. You can unplug the connector on the transmission (3 speed) and that will disable the solenoid BUT you run the risk of overheating the transmission and it will effect gas mialge for sure. Good luck :)