Pontiac Repair: How do you check anti lock hub 2001 pontiac bonneville ssei, pontiac bonneville ssei, pontiac bonneville

How do you check anti lock hub assembly for a 2001 pontiac bonneville ssei? Can you do an Ohms test on the wheel hub assembly?
I'm trying to find out if i have a bad Assembly if so witch one.

Hey Rick:

You need a "good" digital volt ohm meter. you can check each harness on each hub. The resiatance across each hub should be between 800-1500 ohms. It depends on temapature but if it's in that ball park they are good. If they test okay test each hob for a short to ground. What I mean by that is attach one lead to one of the hub wires and one to the anything meatal on the chasis that you can get a good connection on. The meter should read "OL" if no then the sensor is shorted to the chasis. and is bad. You need a "good" meter that has the capability to read resiatnce in the milliohms range. Another thing to check is the front hubs onm these cars has a tendency to get water in the connector between the hub and the body harness make sure there is no corrosion in the connetors.
Good luck :0