Pontiac Repair: auto trans, pontiac dealer, 59 years
QuestionHi Todd,I am an out of work tech (laid off in NY) and have no access to Mitchell or any other labor manuals. My neighbor was charged 630.00 dollars for our local Pontiac dealer to remove her Trans and diog,I find that excessive what do you think? I know that I can even at 59 years could have that Trans out in about 45 min.
AnswerHi Bill:
I just looked up a 99 Grans Am R&R transmission and it pays 7.4 Hours. So that's not off base. If the labor rate for cash work is $85.00 and hour and that is cheap at a dealer we get over $90.00 an hour and for Hummers we het a cool $100.00 an hour labor. And I'm in western NY state not even near NYC. So it's not bad price wise.