Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Grandam redlines, pontiac grandam, vacuum leak

I replaced the transmission in my 1995 Grandam and when I start it it immediately redlines. any Ideas as to what is wrong?

Hi Wayne.

Well this is a good one... Un either the throttle cable is stuck open and I'm sure you would have noticed that or you have a big vacuum leak somehere. How about the vacuum hose to the brake booster? If neither of them is it Take a look to make sure niothing got lodged in the throttle body. If that isns't it do this disconnect the battery let it sit for a few minutes reconnect it. then cycle the key from off to on wait 30 seconds back to off wait a minute and then try to start it. that should reset the isle control motor. If that's not it make sure you have everything connected. including ground wires. There are several ground wires on the transmission studs.
good luck :)