Pontiac Repair: 94 Sunbird stalled, leak water, ground connections
QuestionMy 94 sunbird 2.0 with 30K on new crate engine, 134K on car stalled at 65 mph. Speedometer went to 100mph...pinned, and car will not restart. Door locks had been clicking and causing car to not start on and off for two weeks prior, but ran fine once started, now I turn key, all dash lights come on and nothing..ignition switch or door lock short? where do I start, thanks
AnswerHi John:
well there is an electrical gremlin in this car somewhere. Start by check all the ground connections including the ones on or near the battery tray and on the engine. Make sure the battery is fully charged and that both bcables are clean and tight and there is no corrosion between the battery and the cables. You may have more than i issue with this car. I would also look for a water leak into the car on to the multi function alarm module It's up under the dash bard on the left side I belive it's a tan color plastic box on those car the cowls under the wipers woul rot out and leak water onto the module and cause all kinds of door lock and chime problems. If this car has water in it there can be other issues as well. You may alsio want to check the ignition switch to make sure it is getting power I belive that car has 2 conastant power feeds from the battery Usually the wires are red or red with a white tracer. Good luck At least it's a place to start looking.......