Pontiac Repair: stalling, fuel pressure regulator, spark plug wires

i have a 2001 Pontiac bonnaville ssei and my problem is that it will randomly stall mostly when I'm coming to a stop. it will start up right after if i pump the gas i i turn it over and will stall again when I'm stopping. anyone know what the problem could be?

Hi Rob:

If this only stalls when the car is comming to a stop I would look first and foremost at the idle control valve and the throttle plate. If they are craboned up and dirty it will cause a stall condition. Anything thing to look at is the fuel pressure regulator if regulator is leaking gas into the vacuume line when the car is running it can cause a stall condition. A few other issues to look at ate a possable crank shaft position sesnor but that would be a stall at all speeds. Lastly the spark plug wires on this engine on the back side by the fire wall if the wires are touching the engine harness that goes down the the trasnmission that can cause issues If the plug wires are causing EMI or are leaking they can spike the engine harness and cassue a stall condition. Good luck :)