Pontiac Repair: car wont start, crankshaft position sensor, pontiac grand prix
Question1994 pontiac grand prix turns over no spark. reader says code 82 which is 3x crankshaft position sensor. Where is it located? There are two cps 24x which is behind the harmonic balancer. where is the 3xcps?
AnswerHi Scott:
The 3X sesnor is loacted in the side of the engine block between the transmission and the engine. It's kind of a tight squueze to get itn ther to get it out. I has I connector on it and one bolt that hold it into the engine block. Before you pull it out It' is helpfullto try to stist it back and forth a but before pulling it straight out. Engine crud and gung builds up on it and you do not want to break it off in the block. You may also want to look at the wire haness going to it first off. I have seen the harness melt because it run to close to the exhaust and I have alos see rodets chew through the harness as well. Look there first before you go changing the sensor.
Good luck :)