Pontiac Repair: how to change a window, 2 nuts, crank handle
QuestionHow I can change a passenger widow in a 1997 pontiac sunfire 2 door manual
AnswerHi Oscar:
well in order to change the window glass you first have to remove the crank handle which you need a special tool to remove the retaining clip on the handle. then you have to take the inside door trim off and once you have that off and you can gain access to the window regulator wich is what raises and lowers the glass in the door. Ther are just 2 nuts that attach the glass to the window regulator. remove the nuts and then lower the regulator down to the bottom of it travle and tnen you can grab onto the glass and tilt it forward or backwards in the door to get the glass out of the door. just reverse the process to put the glass back in. Good luck :0