Pontiac Repair: 2002 Grand AM Engine quit like running out of gas, oil light, level sensor

I have a 2002 grand am with a 3.4L engine. The low oil light comes on at different times and the oil isn't low. It does this on starting and turning off the car and restarting makes it go off but tonight it done that and I just went on a drove home about 10 miles and the car started running like it was running out of gas and finally went dead. Tries to start but won't like the fuel pump is not working. What all could of happened. Car was running fine prior to incident

Hi David:

I don't think these 2 issues are related. It more then likley has a oil level sensor in the pan that is bad or the wiring to the sensor is bad. As for the running out of gas Your probably right when it does it or will not run test the fuel pressure just because you hear the pump running doesn't mean it has enough pressure to run the engine. that engine I think has between 44-50 PSI or in that area, if it's far less you found the problem a bad pump. They are pretty common on that car. Also chnage the fuel filetr while you at it. Good luck :)