Pontiac Repair: pontiac grand am 1993 abs brake hot, disc brake pads, silicone grease
Questionsir, i have 1993 pontiac grand am 4cyl ABS brake that front right brake intermittently gets hot and smells burning pad, sometimes OK, I changed the brake cylinder brand new, rotor disc, brake pads and unfortunately still same problem, seems to me the pads stickin partially, i been told vacuum problem suppose to suck the brake cylinder in when brake not in use, should i replace the master cylinder? I appreciate your help, thanks..
AnswerHi Jun:
here is what I would do. first off make sure the area where the pads sit in on the steering knuckle are clean use a file or a wire brush and clean that sliding surface where the pads ride up real good. then get some silicone grease and lube up that area where the pads ride on. then drive the car and see what happens. if it still gets hot jack up the front wheels and use jack stands safely and see if you can turn the wheels or they are dragging. if the one is dragging open the bleeder screw on the caliper and then try to turn the wheel if it gets easier then you have a hydraulic issue and it could be the master cylinder of the abs valve assembly. if not then the caliper may just be dragging. You could also have an issue where the side that's not getting hot it not working properly and binding up and NOT applying the brakes thus the other side is getting to hot. Good luck :)