Pontiac Repair: 2000 pontiac wipers, pontiac grand prix, screw driver
Questionhow do you get the wipers off of a 2000 Pontiac grand prix v6
AnswerHi Cody:
do you want to get off the blades or the wiper arms off the car? The bldes can ne trickey depending on what brank are on the car. the origianl equipment blades there is a small tab on the back side of the arm on the blade you press and pull the blade down towards the car and they slide off the arms. But if they are aftermarket blades it cand be any # of wayd to get them off from a tab you have to release with a screw driver and then slide them off. If you are trying to get the arms off the car you need a tool calles a wiper arm puller to get them off. You have to first remove the plast cap at the base of the arm and then remove the nut and use the puller to remove the arms. Good luck :)