Pontiac Repair: 2004 grand am se temp gauge, hi doug, kind of reading

I had to replace my battery this morning and after doing so noticed that my temp gauge is not moving or giving me any kind of reading...it worked fine before but now just hangs out at 100. Wondering if I popped a fuse? Please help.

Hi Doug:

Is that the only gauage that's not working? fuel tach,speedo all working? If they all work then you didn't pop a fuse. if just the one gauge is in op chance are that the guage is bad. As wierd as it seeems that is more than likely it. The temp gauge uses the same temp sesnor for the engine computer as the guage if the sesnor or it's wiring were bad the car would run bad and you would more than likley have a service engine lamp on. Good luck :}