Pontiac Repair: 88 lemans, beut, ohm meter
Questioncar will not fire but will turn i already changed module and starting coll sounds like fule pump is working and i just had it changed... and i put a small amount of gas in carb but still does not even try to fire what could it be???
AnswerHey Zac:
Well I asusme this doesn't have any spark and that is why you changed all the ignition parts? Dumb question beut when you crank over the car does the rotor turn in the distributor? If not I would suspect a broken timing belt. That woul cause a no spark condition due to the distributor not turning.. If if so then the next likely suspect would be the pick up coil in the distributor. it plugs into the module and has 2 wires on it. If you have a ohm meter check the resistance of that coil. it should be between 800-1200 Ohms. If it' much higher or much less that would do it also. Good luck :}