Pontiac Repair: car stalling, fuel mixture, pressure gauge
Questionrecently each time I start my 1999 Grand Am it will chug and then stall out..although fuel injected I will need to give it gas to ensure that it will not stall...I have very limited experience with repairing my car so I am wondering what the issue may be...I think it may be the gas filter but I am unsure where it is located..could there be another reason and how can I check..thanks
AnswerHi Shannon:
the fact that it chuggs and burps before it does woul indicate a fuel mixture issue. If it dies comming to a stop I'd look at an idle control valve or a throttle plate that is gummed up with carbon. If it dies driving down the road I would put a fule pressure gauge on the car and let it run and see what the pressure is at before it dies out... If you have a plugged fule filter or a restricted filter the pump is over working and it may cut out.. The filter is in the rear of the car just behind the gas tank. It's a round cylinder about 3" in diameter and about 4" long.