Pontiac Repair: A/c compressor clutch wont engage, compressor clutch, ping noise

Hi Todd. I have a 1997 pontiac grand am gt. I recently replaced the a/c compressor but when i go to re-charge it the clutch wont engage. any suggestions. One more question. my engine also makes a popping clanking noise. its not very loud. you hear it usually right when you start the engine and when you accelerate. It's a v-6 3.1 liter. it kind of sounds like my valves. Should i get it fixed? Thanks

Hey Justin:

If you have you are trying to recharge the system and it will not take a chage because the compressor clutch will not not turn on try pulling the can for the rechage in a bucket of hot water That will increase the pressure in the can and hopefully get enough of the chage into the car so the compressor will turn on. another thing whan you chnaged the compressor did you switch over the pressure switch(s) if any on the old compressor to the new one? As for the noise is it' a clicking clatter noise going at half the speed of the engine or is it a "ping" noise like spark knock?