Pontiac Repair: brakes lock-up, humid climate, pontiac sunfire
Questioni own a 1998 pontiac sunfire, my back wheels lock-up the first couple of times the brakes are applied, the rest of the day they are fine
AnswerHi Ashley:
Yup that is a pretty common issue on that car. Have the rear brake shoes replaced and have the drums turned if they are still with in spec's to turn. What happens is the shoes get to a point where they absorb the mositure in the air and the first few stops the shoes are "damp" and the fisrt few stops are ver agressive untill that mositure is gone from the surface of the shoes. If you live in a humid climate or where ther is big swings in tempature from day to night this is very common. Also one last thought or should I say and afetr though you may have a wheel cylinder leaking on this car also It will act the same way as "damp" shoes. For all intensive purposes it's they are damp but with brake fluid not water. Good luck :)