Pontiac Repair: 94 Bonneville 3.8 L, vacuum leak, auto parts store

Check engine light comes on when car is left ideling 5 to 10 min. or longer. When c/e light come on the engine starts to lope like its loaded up. Runs fine with acceleration. The light will sometimes clear on its own with normal driving and always when turn it off and restart it. I stopped at an auto parts store that checks computer codes. They said they couldn't hook up to the 94 model. Any ideas would be appreciated.

First off you need to find out what the code is for. You need to find an auto parts store that can read codes from a OBD car. Most of the parts stores have tools for OBD II which is from 1996 and newer. Once you find that code out I can try to help you out... You could have a lot of differnt things going on. From a bad sensor to a Vacuum leak to a bad ground wire some where. Untill you know what the root of the light is It's hard to say exactly what's going on..