Pontiac Repair: 1996 Firebird serpentine belt replace, pontiac firebird, serpentine belt
QuestionHow do you replace a serpentine belt on a 1996 Pontiac Firebird V-6 engine? Is it possible that when the belt snapped that it broke loose some coil because water is everywhere
AnswerHi Cindy:
Well with out seeing it It's hard to say exactly what happened. It's possable that the water pump may have gone bad and the water leaking made the belt slip off the pulleys or it's possable that when the belt broke off it got wrapped around a hose and ripped on off. If you got autozone.com they have detailed pictures of belt replacement on all kinds of cars. Sorry I acn't be of much help but this is one that someone has to see to tell you for sure what happened. Good luck :)