Pontiac Repair: 2000 gran prix 3.8 hard start / long crank time, gran prix 3, crank sensor

please help. car has hard start. new fuel pump last june (car broke down, towed to shop no codes i opted for new fuel pump) the car never failed to not start again, but it still seems to crank along time before it actully runs. my reaserch leads me to belive possible Crank sensor, or FPR. Also note when experincing extended crank time the RPM gauge seems to be working making me lean more towards the FPR. Also Had the fuel filter replaced when car broke down. the car has 85K miles 40K on plugs. any sugjetions????????????? THANKS, CARL

Hi Carl:

I don't know if It's a relay issue or not. What I would do is put a fule gauge on this and start the car up and #1 check your fule pump pressure when it';s running. then shut it off wait a minute and then just turn the key to run and see if the pump ressure jumps up for a second then setteles down and stays steady. If it jump right up the relay is working. then let the car sit for an hour or so the pressure shouldn't drop rapidly it shouls satay pretty steady Id shouldn't decay much in the first hour or so, If the pressure drops rapidly you eithet have a leaking regulator,check valve in the pump or a injector(s) that are leaking down. If that's the case youi'' have to try to narrow down where it leaking from which one is the culprit. If the regulator is leaking the fule back into the tank or even out the vacuum line out the top of the regulator. I doubt it's an issue with the ignition system you would have other issue other than a long crank time. did you put in a aftermarket pump or a ac delco factory part? Good luck :}