Pontiac Repair: 01Bonne stabilization warning, brake warning light, blown fuse
Question01 Bonne SSEI. My dashboard monitor dispalys "check stabilization system" then the yellow ANIT LOCK, TRACTION, and red BRAKE warning light come on. I replace a blown fuse on the ABS...LIGHTS OUT! New fuse will go about a week, and the STABILIZATION system warning and another fuse blown, lights on again. How or where do I begin looking for the short? Thank You in advance, Mark
AnswerHi Mark:
Well first off exactly which fuse blows and where is it under the hood or under the rear seat. what is the fuse marked as. you either have a shorted wire or one of the component is shorting out causing the fuse to blow. when you let me know which fuse it is I can try to help you out to narrow down what may be the cause. what ever you do DO put in a larger fuse then what it originally was. A larger fuse will not fix it other than cause more damage or even a fire. so give me a little more info.