Pontiac Repair: 97 grand-am, fuel gauge, empty tank
QuestionQUESTION: i have a 1997 grand-am it just started to run rough has no responds when the gas pedal is pushed and has no code
ANSWER: Hey ray:
Welel it can be a lot of things but if it has no power when you step on the gas I would think it is either lasking enough fuel pressure to run ot it has a restricted exhaust due to a plugged or partially plugged catalitic converter. It could be other things but those are the first 2 things I would look at. Good luck :)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: how can you tell if a fuel gauge has the right reading on a 1997 grand-am with 3.1
Answeryou need spebial tool that plugs into the wire harness and it can be used to simulate the amount of gas in the tank to see if the gauge responds correctly. This is a dealer only tool. Or you can use an ohm meter and check across the harness to the tank if you have a ohm meter check across the purple and smaller gauge black wire 0 ohms is an empty tank and 90 ohms is full Do the math and you can figure out where the gauge should be with different reading.