Pontiac Repair: Key wont come out, pontaic grand prix, steering column
QuestionQUESTION: My key won't turn back enough to come out. It does sometimes but not very often so we just leave it in. What do I need to replace? Thanks for your help
ANSWER: Hey Tim:
What model car is this? It depends on the model of the car as to what the problem could be. Most of the time it's an issue with the shifter assembly on the floor is equipped.. there is wiring issues on on of the cars but most of the time it's in the shifter.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry about that it is a 2001 pontaic grand prix. Someone told me they thought I would have to replace the whole steering column I didn't think so.
AnswerNo. With that car chances are VERY good it's the shifter assembly. This is the car that has the wiring issue. The wires frey and eventually break off at the connector that plugs into the shifter, when you take the cover off the top of the center console you can see the wires and the connector. wiggle the wires around and see if any of them at broken off or break off. Al lot of times the wire breaks in the center and the only thing holding it on is the insulation for the wire so a wiggle and a tug may brak it off completely. If the wires are okay I'd leran more towards the shifter it's self.. Good luck :)