Pontiac Repair: Question about trunk lock on 1997 grand prix gt, pontiac grand prix, pontiac grand prix gt
Questionhello I was just wondering and maybe you can help me with this.. I have a 1997 pontiac grand prix gt 3800 3.8 v6 and this past summer someone pryed my trunk lock out from the outside trying to break into my car.. my trunk lock was left loose and hanging out.. so i took the lock out and now i have a big hole where my trunk lock use to be and pry marks all around the hole.. do you know how i would go about fixing this with a new lock fitted tight in there if there are pry marks all around it.. what should i do?
Answerhey Robert:
this is a job for a collision shop. the pry marks need to be straightened out so the lock can sit flush to the trunk lid. if it's not sitting flush the lock's retainer will not attach to the lock properly. on top of that the metal needs to be painted so it doesn't rust out. it depends on how badly the metal is bent up as to how long it will take to repair it. I'm not a body guy but just a ball park guess it maybe 4 to 5 hours of labor to repair it and paint it. If the pry marks are bad enough that it's not repairable thne the deck lid will have to be replaced. being that the car is 11 years old I'd look for a used one as a junk yard and then put you old lock inot the used decklid. That may be the cheaper way out. You may be able to even find the same color one and not have to paint it. good luck :)