Pontiac Repair: 1999 Pontiac Bonneville, water pump replacement, cv joint
QuestionI am experiencing a clicking type of noise when I turn to the right greater than 90 degrees (say 120 degrees). It sounds like I have a lugnut loose in a hubcab, despite the alloy wheels. I hear/sense nothing else a miss. I suspect a cv joint, although I do not have a torn boot. Is this repair best done by my mechanic or attempted myself? I am experienced with brake jobs, water pump replacement, master cylinder repairs, plugs/wires, sensor replacement and the like, but I have never attempted a cv joint. Should the car be parked until replaced or is it safe to drive for the next few days till the repair is scheduled? Will continued use (i.e. one week tops) risk additional damage to drive parts and/or transmission? Finally, should I replace both joints if only one is bad? Thanks!
AnswerHey Lester:
Yes it sounds like it could be a outter CV joint but it could also be a wheel bearing as well. if while you drive it if you turn one what and it's really locd but not so loud the other direction that would be a wheel bearing. if it's the same either way you turn the wheel then I would lean more towards a CV joint. I would get it fixed as soon as possable and limit driving it untill you can get it looked at or fixed. to change it your self you need a few special tools to replace the boot on the joint. A lot of car parts store rent the tools you need. if your VERY handy you should be able to do this job. Good luck :)