Pontiac Repair: how to remove ignition cyclinder out of 1998 grand am 2.4, drilling the hole, plastic socket
Questionmy grand am will not turn to the on post.and will not come out of park, should I just buy a whole colume used or replace the cyclinder, I have the cover off but can not find the release button to pull it out please help, car been sitting almost a month now.
AnswerHey Sammye:
if the key will not turn you have to drill out the cylinder. in order to get the cylinder out of the colum you have to be able to turn the cylinder. if you can turn it all the then right where the cylinder pushed into the column there is a metal tab that stick up through the plastic socket the cylinder goes into to. Push on that metal tab while turning the cyliner and then pull out on the key/cyliner at the same time. then it will come out. If it willnot turn all the way they you have to drill it out. where that metal tab is about 1/4-1/2" up towards the key drill a 1/4" hold in the plastic there is a piece of spring steel that holds that tab onto the cylinder where your drilling the hole the spring is under it. you will need a pick to dig around in the hole to break off the spring steel then the tab will come out of the cyliner and the you can remove the cylinder. I caution you if your not sure about what I just said or you not to confident on the reapit to not try it your self. leave it to the experts like a lock smith or the dealer. good luck :}