Pontiac Repair: Fan relay switch, vapor locks, engine temp

QUESTION: 1993 grand prix V6 3.1 ltr.  The fans stopped working unless the air-conditioning is on.  I was told this problem is the fan relay switch.  Is that correct? If that is the problem where is this switch located? How easy to fix? How do I fix?  Where do I get this part to fix?  Also when starting it turns over & over for 5-10 seconds before it starts.  Do you  have any suggestions as to what this could be & how to fix?
Thank You

ANSWER: What was the other question you needed to Calify?
Hi Susan:

Your talking about the fans for the radiator not the blower fan in the heater box? the radaitor fans should come on whne the A/C is on this is normal and they will not come on when the A/C is off untill the engine gets hot enough. usually the first one one somes on around 220 degrees and the other one around 230 degrees. the engine computer monitors the engine temp and when it get to the predetermined temp it will turn on the fan(S). if the fans run when the A/C is on then all the wiring and the relays are working correctly. If the engine is not overheating it's not anything to worry about. As for the long crank time it's gotta be a fuel delivery issue. either a plugged fule filter, a fuel pump that takes a long time to build up pressure. the other thing could be that either the fule injectors are bleeding the pressure into the engine when it's turned off or the pressure is bleeding back into the tank and what happens is the fuel vapor locks in the fuel rail and it makes it hard to start. Hope that helps on both issues. Good luck :}

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am talking about the radaitor fans.  The prob is that the fans do not come on even when it gets 220+.  The engine is over-heating.  I first noticed the problem while idle in a drive through when it got up into the red zone.  It runs normal @ 210. Even while driving it climbs in temp.  I asked a local shop & they asked if the fans come on when the A/C is on.  The fans do come on when I turn the A/C on. This is the only time they come on.  What could cause this?  I sure do thank you for your time as I am a single Mom on a fixed budget.

It can be a few things. first off if there is air in the cooling system it can cause all kinds of issues. Make sure the radiator and over flow tank are full whne the car is cold. Your sure if the car if in the "hot" range that the fans are not running? Like I stated before if the fans run when the a/c is on the electrical part of the fans are working. This means the engine computer has the ability to turn on the fans when it see a/c request. It could be an issue with the engine computer's logic that it's not turning on the fans when it sees the temp rising. It could alos be a bad coolant temp sensor for the computer. it could be reading lower that the actaul engine temp is. or the gauge could be reading higher than the actaul engine temp. It could be either of them. If you take it to a shop have them compair the engine temp sensor and the gauge temp's to see if they match. If they match then I would look at the engine temp and coolant fan request on the scan tool to see what exactly is going on.
good luck :}