Pontiac Repair: 1990 pontiac grandprix turbo, fuel pressure gauge, pontiac grandprix

the problem is the car idels for about 5 min.and the shuts down and i cannot restart.i had just had a remote car starter installed 3 weeks ago by a pro.installer and had problems since.do you think this could be affecting the starting process of my car?also called the installer and they said its not the install its somthing else with my car...also it did start a few days ago when we had 50 degree wheather but today its 20 and wont start it cranks but does not fire up ..i feel its not getting proper fuel or air mixture or it could be many things .i am thinking that maybe this remote starter could have blown a fuse for fuel pump or somthing else related to this install or just maybe the remote starter needs to be reprogramed ...i am stuck please help me if you can ...if i need parts then i will get and install myself ...i am going outside to check the fuses after i send my question to see if that's the problem ...and thanks for taking your time to diagnose my problem .....bernie

Hey Bernie:

I doubt the starter is causing a stalling issue. I think your stalling issue has turned into a no start problem. I personally hate those starters on the old cars they are okay... On the newer cars they cause more problmes then you can shake a stick at. No for you problem at had you need spark and fule for it to run. that engine needs about 35-40 PSI as a rule of thumb to run get a fuel pressure gauge and see if you have pressure. also a spark checker. It goe in the end of a plug wire and crank the car the shecker should either spark or flas depending on the type you get. If it doesn't have fuel pressure check to see if you can hear the pump running. If it's not running it could be a blown fuse or a bad relay not just a bad pump. if it's missing spark it could be either a ignition module or a crank shaft sensor. That is a more likely cause either of them when they warmed up they would quit working and now one of thme just quit working all together. The last possible cause would be either a bad power feed or ground to the engine computer or the engine computer it's self. Hope that helps you some. Good luck :}