Pontiac Repair: Transmission shifting, grand prix 3, shift points
Question02 Grand prix 3.8 trans 120,000 miles trans shift very hard and and shifts in and out of lockup 50mph to 60mph and wont down shift at 15mph to 30mph unless you step on gas harder than you should have too.
AnswerHey TOM:
I'm not a transmission guy but I'll try to help you out.
First off with that many miles on the car it can be just about anything. has the fluid ever been changed in the transmission? The most likely thin for the hard shifting is a pressure control solenoid when they go had you usually get a service engine light one to. If this has been going on long enough you may need a valve body in the transmission the valve that the solenoid controls goes bad. As for the long up shifts you could have an engine performance issue that is affecting the transmission shift points. Has the fule filter ever been changed if it's plugged the engine will not run right thus longer and harder up shifts. If none of those is it it may be an internal issue in the transmission like broken parts like a shift accumulator spring. Hope that helps some. Good luck :}