Pontiac Repair: no front heat, pontiac montana, rear heat
QuestionI have a 2000 Pontiac Montana I have rear heat but no front heat I was told that a actuator for the hvac was probably not working could you tell me were that actuator might be located
AnswerHi Scott:
Okay you have no heat or no air flow from the front meaning the fan doesn't work or you have air flow but cold air. I'm gonna guess you mean no hot air. If that were the case and I think that's what you mean it more than likely is the temp actautor is bad it's an electric motor mounted to the left side of the heater box above the gas pedal area It's sort of a square shaped black plastic box with a coner cut off it almost a triangle in shape. It has 1 wire connector on it and either 2 or 3 screws attaching it to the side of the box. It's a pretty straight forward repair 9 time out of 10 it's the actautor that goes bad the other time it's either a wiring issue or the control head for the heater and A/C and that is VERY RARE!. This is a dealer only part My guess is somewhere in the $75-150 area. If you get a new one then you will know what your looking for when you see the new one. Good luck :)