Pontiac Repair: ignition module, pontiac grand am, resitance
QuestionI replaced the ignition coil module 4 times in 2 years
on a 1996 Pontiac grand am GT 4 cyl.What is causing so many to go bad?
AnswerHey Ray:
What's going wrong with them? are you loosing a pair of cyliners or are you loosing spark to all 4 cylinders? If you keep loosing on pair I would suspect a coil is going bad and burning out the moudule Just a guess. If it's just one coild it keeps affecting I would check that coil. The primary side "the one that connects to the module should have very little resitance across the winding less than 1 ohm. The secondary side that fires the plugs should have between 5-6,000 Ohms if either is out of that range then replace that coil. The other possibility is just a cheap part you are buying like from an auto zone or advance??? Get one from either NAPA or Carquest they have better quality parts. Good luck :)