Pontiac Repair: 02 Bonneville Blower motor location, dual climate, blower motor
QuestionQUESTION: Where is the blower motor in a 2002 Bonneville SE 4door 3.8L? I have looked under the glove box but don't see it.
ANSWER: That is where it is. It on the bottom of the heater box. on some of them it ir molded to the bottom plastic piece. It is part of the motor. I think on this car it is a dealer only part. It has 2 wires going to it purple and black.
Good luck :}
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Wow, I was staring at it the whole time. It has dual climate control with the digital display. There is a yellow and black wire connected to the panel that prevents me from moving the panel out of the way. Does that come off? And I have 3 screws out of the blower motor but it wont come out. And the final silly question, how do you get the wiring harness off?? Thank you so much.
Answerit depends on which style motor you have the one just pulls out of the case. That's easy to do but the other one once the bolst are out you have to twist the motor out of the case. the wire connector just un plugs from the motor use a screwdriver to push the tab in and pull it out gently.