Pontiac Repair: 1998 Grand Prix Heater Blower Fan, flat blade, screw driver
QuestionQUESTION: The blower fan on this car makes a lot of noise. I believe the fan is located behind and below the center dash controls, right above the floor. Are there any tips you can give me for removing/replacing it? I have moderate mechanical ability-not afraid to try.
ANSWER: Hey Mark:
Pretty easy fix. remove the close out cover under the right side of the dash board. there are 3 screws that attach the motor to the bottom of the heater box. and 1 wire harness connector. You can't miss it once you remove that close out cover. the motor more than likely sucked in leaves or a piece of paper making the noise. In some cases the heater box leaks water inot it and the watre collects in the motor and makes the bearings go bad and the motor makes noise. If it has water in it e-mail me a question back and I will find the part # for a new shield to keep the water out of the box. good luck :}
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Todd-I got the three screws out, but I'm having trouble with a) removing the wiring connection and b)pulling the motor out due to the space (or lack of). Any suggestions?
Thanks again!
Mark Vanderlist
AnswerHi Mark:
Yup it's tight. there is a little metal bracket that holds the wire harness near the motor take out the 2 screws and remove the bracket from the harness that way you can move it away from the motor. to remove the harness you just need a small flat blade screw driver to depress the tab on the harness and it will pull striaght out od the side of the motor. It's an easy job once you get al the crap out of the way.