Pontiac Repair: car alarm system, car alarm system, radio knobs
QuestionJust purchased 2001 grand am. On occasion, can't start car (turns over), and security light is on, along with another "security" light right under radio knobs. Seems to have been a problem w/ previous owner. What I have to do is turn the ignition key to the "on" position, wait approx. 15 minutes then car starts fine. Anyway I can disable this?
AnswerHI Beverly:
More thna likely this cra has a bad ignition lock cylinder housing that has gone bad. There is a sensor inside that housing when you turn the key to the crank position it sends a signal to the body computer to allow the car to start and run. if that siganl is lost or is incorrect from what the computer has in it's memory it will not allow the car to start and stay running. I have also seen the body control computers go bad in these as well thye get water in them from the HVAC box. it corrodes one of the connectors. I would say it's 95% chance it's the lock housing. the lamp on the radio juts means that there is a tehft code programmed into the radio if the battery is disconnected the display on radio will goto LOC and that code has to be put back into the un lock it. Hope this helps and good luck :}