QuestionWhat things can I check or replace to fix a screwy Gauge cluster. The speed and Tach work as well as the voltometer. The problem is that the temp needle is nearly straight down regardless of enginge temp and the oil pressure is at 0. Your thoughts
The oil pressure I would HIGHLY suspect the oil pressure sensor, located on the front of block, right behind the power steering pump.
You COULD try unhooking BOTH battery cables from the battery... BOTH UNHOOKED. Then touch them together for about 1 minute.
Then reattach the POSITIVE first, then the negative.
If this does not rezero the temp, then you'l PROBABALLY need a cluster.
You COULD also, which you may want to do anyways, go have the PCM scanned, and make sure all the inputs DO NOT match the guages (eg, make sure you have oil pressure, coolant temp..etc..) Most places will do this for free OR a reduced rate, if repairs are made by them.
I hope this helps